If you run a large business dependent on getting goods or people from A to B as quickly as possible, you will already be aware of the fundamental role played by your corporate vehicle fleet in ensuring your customers always receive a smooth and reliable service.
If you run a large business dependent on getting goods or people from A to B as quickly as possible, you will already be aware of the fundamental role played by your corporate vehicle fleet in ensuring your customers always receive a smooth and reliable service. Managing a large fleet of business vehicles in the 21st century is not an easy task, and it’s a challenge that requires experienced partners you can rely on. When managed correctly, an effective fleet management can significantly reduce costs and boost productivity. Regardless of the number of vehicles you operate, your business should be able to rely on an expert fleet management service.
Whether your business relies on a large fleet of cars, vans or special vehicles, a strategic partner is essential for keeping everyone on the road. Business Contract Hire (or BCH) can be extremely cost effective depending on the number of vehicles involved especially when compared to investing in the outright purchase of a fleet of vehicles. BCH also offers a high degree of flexibility when it comes to upgrading vehicles on a regular basis and continuing to convey the right image for your brand. What other way could you upgrade your fleet every few years without potentially taking a significant financial hit?
BCH is ideal for businesses managing a large fleet of vehicles. Each Leasys agreement comes with a range of services included, such as a driver helpline, roadside assistance and payment of the Road Fund Licence for the full term of the contract. Optional service packages are also available to include maintenance, regular tyre replacement with nationwide coverage and a windscreen and glass replacement service, giving you additional piece of mind and allowing you to avoid additional costs for unforeseen expensive repairs further down the road. Not only that, but at the end of your agreement, all you have to do is return the vehicles without any concern about having to re-sell them.
When considering BCH, it’s not just about choosing the right vehicles; working with an experienced partner to help you meet your business goals is a key component. They will help you determine how best to keep your employees safe behind the wheel, and if your business has sustainability goals, a competently managed fleet can also help to minimise your corporate environmental impact, as well as making cutting-edge Electric Vehicles more accessible.
It is important that your vehicle agreements are tailored to suit your needs and one size fits all is not an option in this case. Every business is different, which means that fleet requirements are never the same.
If you’re considering BCH for your fleet of vehicles, you need an expert in mobility solutions by your side. Leasys’ customers comment on high levels of satisfaction in their feedback and the company’s customer service process means that it can support its customers fully and respond to their needs quickly and effectively.
If your business relies on the need for a cost-efficient and effectively managed fleet of vehicles, contact Leasys specialist fleet services to find out how they can help you improve the operation of your fleet.
Leasys focus on offering a best-in-class customer experience and you may be interested to hear that Leasys’ new partner Allstar offer customers a comprehensive new Fuel and Charging Card solution: Allstar Chargepass®. Customers now have access to one of the UK’s largest combined fuel and electric charging networks, with a range of options to suit all business and fleet types. Leasys’ customers also have the option to include a Homecharge solution, which allows business miles to be charged to the Allstar business account, saving further costs and eliminating downtime.